richard gartnerAppearances

Dr. Richard Gartner is available to speak in both professional and non-professional settings. For more information about Richard Gartner's appearances or to speak with Dr. Gartner, please telephone 212-533-0345, email, or write 24 Fifth Avenue, New York, New York 10011. Please note that Dr. Gartner receives many emails and cannot always answer them all.

March, 2013 - April, 2015
Trauma and Countertrauma: On Being Simply Human, invited paper, William Alanson White Society Colloquium, Apr, 2013. Other versions of this paper were presented at these conferences and venues: The Wounds Of History: Repairing Transgenerational Transmission of Trauma, New York University, March 2013; the 18th International Conference & Summit on Violence, Abuse & Trauma (IVAT), San Diego, CA, Sept 2013; the Spring meeting of Division 39 (Psychoanalysis) of the American Psychological Association on a panel "The Trauma of Treating Trauma"; the 31st Annual Conference of the International Society for the Study of Trauma and Dissociation (ISSTD), Long Beach, California, October 2014; the 18th International Conference of MaleSurvivor: National Organization against Male Sexual Victimization, Newark, NJ, Nov 2014; Psychiatry Grand Rounds at Mt Sinai Beth Israel, New York, Nov 2014; Psychiatry Grand Rounds at Mt Sinai St Lukes Roosevelt Hospital, April 2015; and as a guest lecturer at the Transdisciplinary Clinical Case Seminar in Trauma Studies, Department of Applied Psychology, New York University, April, 2015

September 8-11, 2013
Healing, Advocacy, and Justice for Male Survivors: Clinician, Advocate, Survivor, and FBI Profiler Perspectives Keynote panel at 18th International Conference & Summit on Violence, Abuse & Trauma (IVAT) on Linking Research, Practice, Advocacy & Policy: Partnering for Solutions, San Diego, CA

August 2013
Sexually Assaulted Boys and Men. Consultation to the Domestic and Other Violence Emergencies (DOVE) Program at New York Presbyterian Hospital, New York

July 18, 2013
Video appearance with Vera Institute of Justice as part of the Vera's Neil A. Weiner Research Speaker Series.

July 8, 2013
Do male victims of sexual harassment experience the assault differently than females? Guest on AirTime with Larry Mantle, on WKPCC (NPR Los Angeles affiliate).

May 4, 2013
Men Healing from Childhood Sexual and Emotional Abuse Keynote speech at the Second Annual Conference on Deepening Men's Relationships, Widener University, Chester, PA

April 3, 2013
Trauma And Counter-Trauma: On Being Simply Human William Alanson White Psychoanalytic Society Colloquium Series More Simply Human, New York

March 8, 2013
Testimony given to the Markey Hearing in NYC on the Statute of Limitations Applicable to Sexual Abuse against Minors.

March 2, 2013
Trauma and Counter-Trauma: Aftershocks in the Night Paper presented as part of the panel “Violating the Body: Legacies of Sexual Violence,” NYU Postdoctoral Program in Psychoanalysis conference The Wounds of History: Repair and Resilience in the Trans-Generational Transmission of Trauma, New York

February 28, 2013
Betrayed as Boys: Understanding the Aftereffects of Boyhood Sexual Abuse Neil A. Weiner Research Speaker Series, Vera Institute Of Justice, New York City See video podcast of the Vera Institute interview.

January 18, 2013
Working with Sexually Abused Men. Training Workshop at the Postgraduate Center for Mental Health Forensic Academy, New York City

November 15, 2012 and March 18, 2010
Sharing Our Clinical Work
Full-day Institute,12th and 13th Interdisciplinary Conferences: MaleSurvivor: National Organization against Male Sexual Victimization. Co-taught with Dr. Ernesto Mujica

October 20, 2012
Betrayed as Boys: Meanings, Consequences, and Treatment of Sexual Victimization of Boys and Men. Half-day presentation sponsored by the Central Pennsylvania Psychological Association. State College, PA

June 13, 2012
Protecting Children From Sexual Abuse And Helping Victims Recover. Guest on NPR’s Diane Rehm Show, click here to hear the podcast.

March 18, 2012
Advocates find hope amid sex abuse scandals
. CNN Radio Reports Podcast: Nov ’11. Click here for the podcast.

May 22, 2011
The Trauma of Betrayal plus Clinical Consultation about Working with an Orthodox Sexual Abuse Victim
Keynote speech plus supervisory consultation at "Understanding and Treating Sexual Abuse in the Orthodox Jewish World"
Conference sponsored by the William Alanson White Institute's Sexual Abuse Program
New York City

March 31, 2009
Betrayed as Boys: Meanings, Consequences,and Treatment of Sexually Abused Men
New England Society for the Treatment of Trauma and Dissociation (NESTTD)
Lexington, MA
Read a review and summary of Dr. Gartner's presentation.

March 17, 2008
Survivor/FBI Special Agent and Psychoanalyst/Advocate: Our Stories (Keynote Plenary Speaker Session) and
Therapists' Internal Reactions as Guides in Work With Sexually Abused Men (Workshop)
Men of Courage: The First Provincial Conference on Male Sexual Victimization
Toronto, Ontario

March 7th, 2008
Interview by John Stossel on 20/20 special broadcast: "The Age of Consent"

October 25-28, 2007:
Survivor/FBI Special Agent and Psychoanalyst/Advocate: Our Stories (Full-Conference Featured Speaker Presentation) and Therapists' Internal Reactions as Guides in Work With Sexually Abused Men (Workshop Presentation)
Eleventh International Conference of MaleSurvivor: the National Organization against Male Sexual Victimization: "Relief, Recovery, and Restoration: Helping Men Heal from Sexual Abuse."  John Jay College of Criminal Justice, New York City

May 19, 2007
Betrayed as Boys: Boyhood Sexual Abuse
Bergen County Division of Family Guidance Service Training, Hackensack, NJ

January, 2007:
Treating Sexually Abused Men Individually and in Groups
Workshop in series Aggression and Its Effects, Eastern Group Psychotherapy Society, New York City

March 2006:
Sexual Victimization of Boys: Meanings and Consequences
Psychiatric Grand Rounds, Brooklyn V.A. Hospital

March, 2006
The Shame of Male Sexual Abuse Victims
The Committee of Psychoanalytic and Psychotherapeutic Publications and Organizations 2006 Symposium: "On Shame"
New York City, New York

Nov 18, 2005
Betrayed as Boys: Meanings and Consequences of Childhood Sexual Abuse for Men
Postgraduate Center for Mental Health
New York, New York

May, 25, 2005
Men Sexually Abused as Boys: Meanings, Consequences, and Treatment
Faculty member for full-day course, American Psychiatric Association Annual Convention, Atlanta, Georgia

March 18, 2005
Betrayed as Boys: Boyhood Sexual Abuse
Full day workshop, Family Service Society, Corning, New York

November 13, 2004:
When Predatory Priests Become Sexually Abusive "Fathers": Consequences for Victims
This was a plenary address at the conference Sexual Betrayal and Scandal in the Catholic Church: Psychoanalytic, Religious, and Social Perspectives in New York City. This conference was co-sponsored by the William Alanson White Institute's Sexual Abuse Program and the Trauma Treatment Center of the Manhattan Institute for Psychoanalysis.

November 18, 2004:
Dissociative Reenactments of Boyhood Sexual Betrayal
Plenary address at "Moving Dissociation into the Mainstream," the 21st Fall Conference of the International Society for the Study of Dissociation (ISSD) in New Orleans

June, 2004
Effects of sexual abuse on children, invited address at the FBI's Symposium on Online Sexual Victimization of Children, Leesburg, VA.

June, 2004
Transference and countertransference with offender/survivors, at Broken Boys, Healing Men: A Conference on Male Sexual Victimization, The Men's Project, Ottawa, Ontario.

April, 2004
Featured interview: Emmy-nominated "Protect Our Children: Teenage Boys and the Wall of Silence," documentary presentation, WABC-TV, New York.

January 26th, 2004
Testimony before the New Jersey Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on the Charitable Immunity Act. Click here to read the text of Dr. Gartner's statement before the Senate Subcommittee.


Past Presentations and Papers

Dr. Gartner has been a consultant or interviewee for these films:
In a Town this Size (2011)
Favorite Son (2009)
Boyhood Shadows (2008)
Boys and Men Healing (2008)
Stories of Silence (2007)
Little Man (1999)

Relational impact of boyhood sexual abuse and its transference/ countertransference implications, part of a half day course, Men Sexually Abused as Boys: Meanings, Consequences, and Treatment. American Psychiatric Association Annual Convention, San Francisco, May, 2003

Betrayed as Boys: Meanings and Consequences of Boyhood Sexual Abuse. Presented at two-day conference "Understanding Boys and Men," sponsored by Harvard Medical School and Cambridge Hospital. Cambridge, MA, May, 2003

Betrayed as Boys: Meanings and Consequences of Boyhood Sexual Abuse, full day workshop, Children's Center of Hamden, CT, May, 2002. Also at the annual meeting of the Richmond County Psychological Association, NYC, May, 2002, and the Manhattan Institute for Psychoanalysis, NYC, April, 2003

Trauma and the Sexually Abused Boy or Man, presenter and panel moderator, Ninth Interdisciplinary Conference, National Organization on Male Sexual Victimization, New York, October, 2001

Using the therapist's internal responses as a guide in work with sexually abused men, workshop presentation, Ninth Interdisciplinary Conference (New York, 10/01) and tenth Conference (Minneapolis, 9/03), MaleSurvivor: National Organization against Male Sexual Victimization

Sexual victimization of boys: Meanings and consequences. Psychiatric Grand Rounds, Brooklyn V.A. Hospital, October 5, 2001

Sexual victimization of boys and men: Meanings, consequences, and treatment. Full Day workshop, Trauma Counseling Program, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, June 9, 2000

Cinematic depictions of boyhood sexual victimization, paper delivered at the 11th International Forum of Psychoanalysis, May 6, 2000, New York

Sexual abuse of boys: Meanings and consequences. Keynote address, annual meeting, New Jersey Clinical Psychologists in Private Practice, Livingston, NJ, May 2000

Gartner, R.B., and Lisak, D., Betrayed as Boys: Treating men with histories of childhood sexual abuse. Full day workshop, Centre for the Treatment of Sexual Abuse and Childhood Trauma, Ottawa, April 28, 2000

Gartner, R.B., and Morris, L. Treatment of Male Survivors of Sexual Abuse. Eighth Interdisciplinary Conference, National Organization on Male Sexual Victimization, Vancouver, October, 1999

Gartner, R., and Mujica, E. (1997, 1999), Therapists' Personal Reactions as Guides in Work with Sexually Abused Men. Workshop at the Seventh Interdisciplinary Conference, National Organization on Male Sexual Victimization, San Francisco, September 1997; repeated at the Eighth Conference, Vancouver, October 1999

Treatment Considerations for Men Sexually Abused as Boys (1998-99). Presentations made respectively at a joint meeting of the New Jersey chapter of the Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers (NJ-ATSA) and the American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children-New Jersey (APSAC-NJ); Psychiatric Grand Rounds at Mt. Sinai, Brookdale, and Gouverneur Hospitals; Institute for Contemporary Psychotherapy; and Vassar College Counseling Service

Sexual Abuse of Boys: Meanings and Consequences (March 1999), Colloquium Presentation, Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy Training Program, William Alanson White Institute

Gartner, R.B., Kershnar, S., and Singh, M. (1998). Going Beneath the Surface: Sexual Abuse, Drug Use, and HIV. Workshop at the National Harm Reduction Conference. Cleveland, October

Gartner, R., Fradkin, H., and Castellana, M. (1998). Male Sexual Victimization: Becoming Empowered to Take Another Step on the Road to Recovery. Healing workshop at the National Organization on Male Sexual Victimization West Coast Retreat, Mt. Madonna, CA, September, repeated at the Eighth Interdisciplinary Conference, National Organization on Male Sexual Victimization, Vancouver, October, 1999

Sexually Abused Men: Crises about Gender Identity and Sexuality (1998). Workshop at the Conference of the National Organization for Men Against Sexism, August, Stony Brook, NY

Sexually Traumatized Boys and Men (1998). Presentation at Oberlin College, April

Traumatized Men's Struggles about Masculinity (1996). Paper presented at the May meeting of the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies, New York Chapter

The De-masculinization of Sexually Abused Men: Crises about Gender Identity and Sexuality (1996). Paper presented at April meeting of Division 39 (Psychoanalysis) of the American Psychological Association, New York

The Sexually Abused Man and the Male Analyst (1995). Paper presented at August meeting of the American Psychological Association, under the auspices of Division 51 (Men and Masculinity), New York

Sexually Abused Men: Working with the Other Abused Population (1995). Workshop presented by the Learning Alliance and People Against Sexual Abuse, NYC, November

Clinical Seminar in the Treatment of Sexually Abused Adults, Metropolitan Center for Mental Health, NYC, 1995

Gartner, R.B., and Trappe, K. (1995), Transference and Countertransference in the Treatment of Sexually Abused Men. Workshop at the Sixth World Interdisciplinary Conference on Male Sexual Victimization, October, Columbus, OH

Discussant, "Dissociation and Enactment: Countertransference Considerations in Work with Adult Survivors of Abuse," by J.J.Marcuse. Manhattan Institute for Psychoanalysis, October 1994

Rage in the Transference and Countertransference When Treating Sexually Abused Adults (1994). Workshop given at "Women and Men: Experiences of Rage," the Gloria Friedman Memorial Conference sponsored by the W.A.White Society, October

When the Analyst and the Sexually Abused Patient Are Both Men (1994). Paper presented at April meeting of Division 39 (Psychoanalysis) of the American Psychological Association, Washington

Couples and Family Therapy: Forgotten Offspring of Interpersonal Theory (1993). Paper read as part of panel "The Interpersonal Analyst and the Couple: How Does It Work?", W. A. White Society Special Interest Group Meeting, New York

Gartner, R.B., and Price, M. (1992), Group Treatment of Female and Male Survivors of Incest. Workshop at November conference of Eastern Group Psychotherapy Society, New York

When the Patient Knows Not to Know (1987). Paper read at the Clinical Colloquium, Brooklyn Institute for Psychotherapy and Clinical Services Case Conference, White Institute

Gartner, R.B., Fulmer, R.H., Weinshel, M., Goldklank, S., and Bresnihan, W. (1975), A Retrospective Study of the Effect of Family Constellation on the Course of Family Therapy, Conference of the Society for Psychotherapy Research, Boston